Sunday, July 26, 2015

Constant Denial

The Street Fighter V beta hates me and everyone else. It's hard to recall a bigger disaster in terms of a beta. Just when I think I might get in, boom! Denial message. I suppose these things are tested for a reason. A beta that runs flawlessly isn't a typical beta. It just goes to show that Bungie are masters of network coding. For all its faults, networking is the least of Destiny's issues.

Since SFV was kaput for the entire weekend, I invested a lot more time into BF4. I don't know why but I've been feeling it lately. Just when I think the game is stale, my friend brings up a gun recommendation that changes things up. I've invested 330 hours so far. That's almost enough to pay off my purchase of the PS4. Almost. Only 190 more hours to go (price of PS4+BF4+Premium). I've got more than my money's worth, but it's nice to go for that one dollar per hour value.

Even though I've put a freeze on Tales of Xillia 2 until I complete Love Sick, I made no moves to update the story. Thanks to many late nights, I napped instead of writing during my lunch break. It doesn't help when I have to work harder these last two weeks to hit our goals.

I'd like to go for a 5k word minimum but I've only got 1k so far. Chances are, I won't be updating today. I'll be traveling to San Francisco next weekend so I'm between a rock and a hard place. I may not be able to update on my story's anniversary. Time to put my head down and focus.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Them Late Nights

I need to get off the sauce, and by that, I mean I gotta stop staying up so late to watch other people play games. It makes sense if I'm the one playing, but other people? Oh, how times have changed.

It's amazing just how easy it is to find something entertaining. It's also dangerous. Thanks to all my late nights, progress on Love Sick has been ravaged. I pretty much have to finish it all in one day because with the upcoming Street Fighter V beta, I fear for my productivity.

Speaking of fighting games, Evo was mad hype. Who knew the last couple sets of SFIV would go the distance and come down to the last round every time? Too bad it was tainted by a well-timed Razer malfunction. MadCatz for the win,

I finally discovered Rocket League and it's very addictive. I played like ass in the beginning but have quickly improved in skill. The important thing here is to not get a big head. I'm really good at picking up games but it means I plateau quickly. It's easy to get confident, but if I encounter a wall, things get super frustrating.

The correct frame of mind is to tell myself that I suck. Can't get too full of myself. Put things in perspective and my successes will be that much more enjoyable and my losses a great deal less painful.

Chop. Kick. It's all in the mind.

Saturday, July 11, 2015



After failing to do anything of note over the weekend (besides having fun), I wrapped up my overdue tasks in one night, and this includes my usual workout routine. See? I can do it if I try. Then again, it was 4th of July weekend, and I still haven't finished the latest chapter of Love Sick.

7/7 - Murphy's Day

 Everything that can happen, will happen. Talk about a wet dog of a morning. I got a red light at virtually every stop in my commute, including a dang train. Throw in some mid-summer drizzle and a leaking coffee machine at work and it seems things are going out of whack.

Rest of the Week

I dropped out of my bi-weekly update schedule to realign with Love Sick's anniversary publish date. Even with the extra week, I'm barely able to get any writing done. I just want this story to end already.

My friend brought up the idea of going to San Francisco at the end of the month but we've hit a couple snags. We really gotta put our heads together and figure out a solution that makes our trip as cheap as possible. I also don't mind if we don't go. Just means more money in my pocket.


Even though we lost, I saw flashes of the young talent on the Lakers summer league squad. I'm looking forward to the next game!


I just cleaned up my inbox. The only time I do that is when I have to distract myself, and in this case, I'm procrastinating on the next chapter of Love Sick. I'll get it done eventually.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Monthly Renewal

July could not come soon enough. With each new month my budget resets. It sucks to reach the limit and not be able to do anything. I maxed out my budget early in June, which meant I had to go hermit mode for the last week. It's nice to finally get some breathing room. It's also a chance to test my auto-payments. Hopefully, everything will move smoothly without a hitch.

One of the best things about July is that I get paid 3 times this month, which means my budget is going to see a healthy surplus. The next time I'll get a trifecta is in January, so this is indeed a rare event. The extra money will probably go straight into my travel fund. Work can be boring, but rather than work to survive, I work to have fun. Having a destination in mind makes the days and weeks go by quickly. Thanks to all my churning, I've got plenty of options for travel.

I got a half day on Friday for the fourth of July weekend. I took advantage of a free afternoon by watching Jurassic World. I kind of expected more from a towering box office dinosaur, but it was a fun distraction. The kids were really hyped after the movie. Reminds me of how I used to be back in the day. Just going to the movies was an event in itself.

In preparation for my big trip to Japan, I started walking again. I anticipate lots of foot travel. If a one-day visit to a theme park leaves me wasted, I can't imagine two entire weeks of it. That's why I'm starting early. The results from my first walk were devastating. Plenty of time to improve.

Ever since I got into the fanfiction business, I've been keeping contact with my contemporaries, but this fourth of July was the first time we could actually meet. After a year and a half of correspondence, I have finally met up with one of my writing buddies. Even though we've never met before, we conducted ourselves like old friends. This should bode well for future "visiting with online friend" trips.

Sunday was the 100-day anniversary of my uncle's passing. It was an unexpectedly cool day. We wrapped up our prayers with dim sum at Sea Food World. It was good, I guess. Service, as it goes with these places, leaves a lot to be desired.

Team USA won. We back on top, baby. USA! USA! USA!