Sunday, December 28, 2014

Event Log: 12/28/14 - End of an Era

When this year ends, so too will my Event Logs. I've had a good run, but with work, writing, and gaming, I just don't have enough time to talk about every little thing that goes on in my day. I won't get rid of these entirely. I'll probably just turn them into something weekly rather than daily. At the rate I'm pumping these out, they might as well be weekly anyways. I'm pretty strict on myself, so until the New Year, I'll keep it up.


Event Log: 12/27/14 - A Minor Blip

Looks like PSN is back up again. Managed to squeeze in a few games, although we lost most of them. Pretty crappy day, to be honest. I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey, and it was so boring, I had to take a nap in the middle of the movie. I'm sorry, but there's nothing to be gained from watching a spaceship trying to land for a full minute. I was struggling to keep my eyes open in every scene. I'll put this one in the disappointing bin.


Event Log: 12/26/14 - Work Again

I met my work quota and the company was kind enough to order pizza for us. I am now convinced that the guy behind me is an unproductive buffoon. He spends half the time socializing than working. And we wonder why the department is going to hell.


Event Log: 12/25/14 - Christmas

I watched The Interview with my family for FREEDOM. On the low end of expectations for a Seth Rogan comedy. Like it better than Neighbors though.


Event Log: 12/24/14 - On the Eve

Thanks, L***** Squad, for nothing. It was a good chance to work out, read some manga, and relax on my day off though.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Event Log: 12/23/14 - Lagging Behind

I missed my quota by two. Not a huge loss, but still disappointing. It basically confirms that I have to work full steam with hardly any breaks--either that, or take massive shortcuts in my work. Either option doesn't seem very appealing. It's a work in progress.

I did two raids. I'm the only level 30 in a party of 31's. What can I say? I only play the bare minimum these days. Since I've got an unexpected day off tomorrow, I stayed up later than usual. I've got a tickle in my throat; I hope a good night's sleep can cure it!

With The Interview now available, I must watch it, for freedom's sake.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Event Log: 12/22/14 - Return to Form

I went 20-6. That's like my average in Destiny, but in BF4, that's fantastic. Even though we lost a lot tonight, I feel like I've regained my form. There's still some jitters I gotta shake off, but I feel like I'm back to where I was, skill wise, before I stopped playing. Better yet, I didn't rage once. I did encounter some BS moments, but my frame of mind kept me grounded.

I saw one of my co-workers for the first time since our entire department moved into a different area. I'm convinced he doesn't actually do anything and I wonder why he still has a job. He's one of those guys that knows everybody but spends most of time talking instead of working. Chances are, he'll get a promotion before me,= since I'm the type to keep my head down and actually work. Not to brag, but I'm single-handedly holding it down for my department. No idea what the hell everybody else is doing.


Event Log: 12/21/14 - Back to Battlefield

Every so often, the call of the Battlefield brings me back. Today was one such day. I couldn't be bothered with sports since my Saints have been officially eliminated from playoff contention, and I couldn't enjoy the overwhelming pounding I gave to my opponent in Fantasy since I'm in the consolation ladder--it doesn't mean anything.Since I feel no desire to play Destiny after missing the raid, me and my friend fired up Final Stand for the first time. It's the last expansion as part of BF4 premium. We went on a good run until I hit a spot where I raged like crazy. I'm a little embarrassed since I haven't raged that hard in months. I have now instituted a 30-second rule. If I'm about to rage, I will stop what I'm doing, wait 30 seconds, and then proceed. I like it so far, even though I have no idea where everything is.


Event Log: 12/20/14 - Annual Tradition

I saw the last of the Hobbit Trilogy. It's good, but not great. 48fps makes all the difference though. After the movie, I went to a Christmas dinner that me and my friend planned a couple weeks in advance. We went to Javier's Crystal Cove in Newport. The place was fancy. We got a pitcher of margaritas and I was pretty much done for the night. I can hardly remember how my food tasted. I had a small scare when I thought I lost my keys, but it turns out, it was in my front pocket all along. I even remember standing in front of the mirror, putting the keys in my front pocket, and buttoning it up. I blame my state of drunkenness for that. I wasted ten minutes of my friends' time. I felt so relieved when I found it. It's funny, because I put it in my front pocket so that it would be impossible for me to lose it. Talk about forgetting your glasses on your head.


Event Log: 12/19/14 - Threes the Limit

I figured out that three is my limit when it comes to drinks. Any more than that and I'm gonna have a rough night. After work was the company Christmas party. It was held at a night club called Sutra. The place was bigger than the amount of people who showed. It's unfortunate that nobody I knew was actually there. My only goal then was to run through my three drink tickets as fast as possible. I skipped out on a raid for this. I waited for as long as I could and drove home. When I walked up the stairs at my house, I realized I was barely in condition to drive. I won't take that risk next time. I freakin' sideswiped the neighbors garbage bins because of it.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Event Log: 12/18/14 - Potential Fulfilled

I finally did it. I reached my work quota for the first time. Sure, I had to work at near full capacity to hit it and required a somewhat alarming email from my supervisor to motivate me, but it can only get easier from here on out.

As long as I get a good night's sleep, I should be able to maintain enough concentration to soldier on through the endless streams of bad writing  I have to edit. My brain's taxed enough as it is, but I tell myself I can only improve from this experience.

Indeed, my ability to edit quickly has increased by about 200%. I don't even bat an eyelash at errors that used to make me tear my hair out, although I occasionally mutter curses under my breath for particularly egregious offenses.

I found a great solution for continuing my fanfiction endeavors. Before I head home, I'll stick around work to write the next piece of my chapter on Tumblr.

The only thing I have to do now is start on my gaming backlog. All of my gaming purchases have been frozen since Destiny. I need that 64 GB Vita memory card already!


Event Log: 12/17/14 - Glimpses of Light

We finished up the raid in quick order.

It's quite telling when the only  thing I have to say about each day involves Destiny. It's how I finish off most of my nights, but it's a symptom of having too many hours earmarked by work and commute. I wake up at 7 to get ready but don't get to work until 9. From that point on, I do the same thing until my 8 hours are up. The only thing I look forward to at work is lunch. Last night's leftovers never tasted so good.

I break up the monotony by texting my friend sometimes, but it just becomes a struggle between work and online distractions. I'm getting there though. Oh yeah, I was obsessively following the story involving The Interview. American theater chains have no guts and literally let the terrorists win. Not a good look.


Event Log: 12/16/15 - Blazes

That was easy. After struggling so much in the first week, we totally blew through the raid. We even had enough time left over to reach the boss again on our alts. That's what I call efficiency.


Event Log: 12/15/14 - Every Last Moment

The more these days drag on, the more I realize how little time I have left these days. I was expecting a callback from my raid leader but I found out that they started without me. Oh well, it just gives me more time to catch up on my other characters.

I managed to squeeze in my workout early. It's progress. If I can get my exercise under an hour, my routine will really open up in the future.


Event Log: 12/14/14 - The Never-ending Struggle

I took it easy and played Destiny until it was raid time. The worst part of it? We didn't even beat it. So much for that run, and to make things worse, I stayed up too late. Next morning is gonna be killer.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Event Log: 12/13/14 - The Dark Below

WE FINALLY BEAT THE RAID! It only took us all week.

I spent the whole day playing Destiny. Since The Dark Below came out, I've had a lot of catching up to do. I'm trying not to let it bother me too much because I can't afford to. Between work, going out, and working out, there's only so much time to spare for a broken game.

Although I'm enjoying it, The Dark Below is seriously one of the biggest ripoffs I've paid for. Bungie and Activision needs to be taken to task for such a content-less contemptible content pack that most other games would offer as a free freakin' update.

Once the Expansion Pass is done, I'm out.


Event Log: 12/12/14 - Overtime

I did overtime today. Like, legit officially recognized overtime, not, trying-to-catch-up off-the-clock overtime. I figure there's no point in going to work early to do overtime when I can do overtime as part of my waiting for traffic to die down. That sentence was not smooth at all, but the point is, if I go into work early and do overtime, I'll get out during rush hour. If I go late and do overtime, traffic will be done and I've got a smooth ride home. These days, even when I get home early, I don't really do much.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Event Log: 12/11/14 - Moving the Goalposts

That was a lot of Event Logs to go through. I've acquired a taste for that brief summary style. May want to keep doing it a bit more.

I worked at full capacity today and was no where near the quota. I really have to alter my workflow. On the way home, I think I came up with a good solution. Will try it tomorrow.


Event Log: 12/10/14 - Quotas

Management finally settled on hard quotas for work. Glad to have a goal to work towards, but Monday really screwed me up in terms of production. I tweaked my numbers but that forced me to do overtime for free. Decided to say screw it and let the numbers speak for themselves. I'll do it legit from now on. No more web browsing at work.

Played some Uncharted 2 to refresh my mind. Game looks good and not good at the same time. PS4 has spoiled me. The beginning is horribly boring like always, but I'm finally at the good part. Not sure if I'll resume tomorrow. Snuck in my workout before sleeping.

Another late night.


Event Log: 12/9/14 - New Raid

The Dark Below came out. Beat one story mission and went out on the raid. We played until 4 in the morning but didn't beat it. Crap. Hardly any sleep for tomorrow. I'll deal with it somehow.


Event Log: 12/8/14 - Save the Reps

I could not concentrate at all at work. Too much leftover hype in my system from PSX. Blew the whole day on NeoGAF. Went home and did the same thing. Had to finish my workout in the middle of the night. Went to bed around 2.


Event Log: 12/7/14 - Coming Back

We woke up and hit up the expo again. I wanted to play The Order and waited about two hours. Beat the demo in twenty minutes. Cautiously excited for next year. That was all we had time to do. I wanted to play Drawn to Death but had to go home. Next time, definitely considering flying. Those drives sap me of too much energy. Had my friend drive my car home. He drives like a maniac. More reason to fly next time. Saints lost. Whatever. Hit up NeoGAF to see what people thought of PSX and went to sleep.


Event Log: 12/6/14 - PSX Day One

I drove for three straight. No downtime. Went straight to the Sands Expo center in the Venetian. Waited in line for a couple hours and finally got into the conference floor. Too tired to get hyped at any of the announcments, but the best one for me was the localization of Yakuza 5. Hell yeah. FFVII troll was the worst and Uncharted 4 looks out of this world. Couldn't get to try the Morpheus, only games I could play was Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and some indies. Checked into the Stratosphere, marveled at the sight from above, and then hit up the Mandarin Bar. I don't know why, but the Mandarin always completes the night for me in Vegas.


Event Log: 12/5/14 - Going V

The plan doesn't always work out. I went to work super early so that I can leave early and get some sleep before heading out to Vegas at night. Unfortunately, the Video Game Awards kept me up and I only got three hours of sleep before I had to get up again. I made four peanut butter sandwiches and packed three bananas for the drive. I picked up my friend and we sailed across the Californian desert until morning.


Event Log: 12/4/14 - Seven Days

It's been exactly one week since my last Event Log. I can't remember that far back. All I know is that I didn't work out and I probably read some manga before going to bed. Oh yeah. I was obsessively reading over the PSX hype thread because I was going the next day. I think I received some clothes that day too.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Event Log: 12/3/14 - Critical Decisions

I'm seriously contemplating attending PSX, but that means I'm gonna have to make a long trek to Vegas. I don't know if I can handle that, and my budget is tight this month, especially after Black Friday, not to mention, there's my upcoming Christmas dinner, but...

20 year anniversaries only come around so often.

I'm gonna have to think about this.

Done thinking. Let's do this. It's a once in a lifetime event. No regrets, baby!


Event Log: 12/2/14 - Hype Train

Hype for the Playstation Experience event in Vegas has picked up a lot of steam. Speculation is running rampant, and when FFVII remake gets mentioned not in jest, but in all seriousness, that's when you know that expectations are getting way too big. Whatever. I'm just gonna sit back and ride the hype train!

Oh, and I played the raid...again.

And I finished up the midseason finale. Not as bad as most people make it out to be. I need to stop listening to the internet. It's making me hate things I don't even hate!

I stayed up to watch the Playstation awards late at night...and got absolutely nothing out of it.


Event Log: 12/1/14 - Fresh Slate

I was getting tired of seeing red bars on my Mint budget. Glad to see I'm under my spending limit again. Now I just have to stay there.

I accidentally spoiled myself looking up reviews for the midseason finale of The Walking Dead. Thanks a lot, random reviewer on RottenTomatoes. That's the last time I'll ever look up reviews on TV episodes.

I did the raid again. I am so over this game.


Event Log: 11/30/14 - Cats and Dogs

It's the start of the rainy season. It's about time we've got water on the streets. There was a flash rain where it just started pouring like crazy. It's been a long, dry year, aside from a morning shower here and there.

Saints won unexpectedly. My friend was pissed because they beat his team, the Steelers. Sorry mate, but we've been sucking all year. We've gotta win some time, and that includes my fantasy matchup. Time to make my comeback in fantasy football.

I raided again tonight. I'm over it.
