Sunday, September 28, 2014

Event Log: 9/27/14 - Sunshine

Saw my friends for the first time in weeks. I've missed socializing. Granted, some of the conversation revolved around Destiny, but it was nice to talk about other things for a change. One of my friends is hyped about Shadows of Mordor in particular. When it comes to licensed games, I always zone out, but it looks like this one is another Arkham Asylum. The developer has pedigree, so I'm not surprised--unlike Rocksteady, who came out of nowhere with the definitive Batman experience.

We hit up Chipotle in a plaza across from Main Place. I got a chicken burrito. Wish I didn't have beans and rice in it, but it was alright. We should've went for In n Out instead. Nothing like good ol' reliable.

There was some sort of event going on that probably didn't please businesses too much. Parking was a pain. I guess it's interesting to see an over-the-hill band playing their last hurrah, but I'm here to eat. I'm interested in checking out Tokyo Bento next time around, which was next to Chipotle. The restaurant interiors are alarmingly similar, the only difference being the music played in the background.

We hit up Starbucks afterward for some fraps. The location was more open than my usual spot at Stadium Promenade but they all share the same design aesthetic. My friend had a buy one get one free coupon, so that was nice. Thanks.

Once I got back home, it was back to the grind again. My alts are almost fully geared out. It's funny. There's people online complaining that they can't get past level 20 but I've got three guys above 25. Gotta play that game more efficiently.


Event Log: 9/26/14 - Repeat Yesterday

I was looking forward to watching Ninja's stream of Destiny PVP but he didn't stream today. Going back to what I said yesterday about competitive stress, I find it much more relaxing to watch someone else go through the rage of losing. Even the best of us can falter sometimes. It makes me feel better about my skill level. We can't beast all the time.

Today, I dragged out my workout routine longer than usual. Even though I'm playing less, Destiny still has a hold on me. When I think about all the games that are coming out soon, I wonder if I should look for a job at all? I might have to go full freelance. I won't earn as much, but the the luxury of setting my own schedule trumps all, and its not like my expenses are prohibitively high. If I can find a way to do both, it's game over, man. Look for stability and freelance on the side. The temptation to do nothing is too much though.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Event Log: 9/25/14 - Competitive Stress

Stress is the reason I don't play fighting games anymore. I'm a rager. In every other situation, I'm the calmest guy you'll know--except when I'm playing online. My anger knows no bounds when I'm getting owned. I don't enjoy losing. But the funny thing is, even when I win, it doesn't feel all that great either. It really depends on who I play with. Playing with my friend in BF4 is always fun. Playing alone and winning? I always feel like I'm narrowly avoiding defeat.

I jumped online today and played with a bunch of randoms, sometimes carrying my team to victory. I don't do it conventionally. He who controls the spawns wins the game. With this knowledge, I just camp on the advantageous side of the map, preventing the opposing team from ever spawning behind us. This means I camp in one spot, rarely ever seeing action, but guarantee us solid positioning. I don't show up on the scoreboard, but I consider myself the invisible MVP.

I don't know how I feel about this game's multiplayer. I had a string of games with ridiculous K/D ratios, the highest was 11 with 22 kills. Either the people I'm playing with are super terrible or I'm actually good. With the ridiculous levels of aim assist present, I'm going with the former.

Currently, autorifles dominate the Crucible, prompting a balance patch from Bungie. It doesn't affect me one bit since I roll with the hand cannon. It's a skill weapon. Three shots and you're dead, provided you can land those head shots. Autorifle users are complaining about the upcoming nerf. Honestly, I think every gun is fine. What Bungie needs to do is tone down or turn off the aim assist entirely. That way, it doesn't matter how good a gun is if people can't use them for crap.

I get the feeling some people are high on their "skills" because the game is aiming for them. It's the reason why a guy like me, coming from a BF4 no aim assist background, can dominate this arena of lazy players. At first, I struggled with the aim assist, but now? I work with it. I wish I could've figured this out sooner back in high school during those Halo LAN parties. I was always fighting against the aim assist and getting owned because of it. If we were to all play again, I'll be a lot better. Then again, the time to kill in Halo is crazy high. Not my cup of tea anyways.

My biggest problem with Destiny's multiplayer is that the maps are cluttered. The bad sight lines and strict abundance of corners encourages shotgun play. So you have idiots running around with shotguns all day, reducing battles to a rudimentary version of tag. That's why I deliberately carved out a unique style using the hand cannon. I decided that I wasn't going to be jumping into this rat race of shotgunning. I can run and gun with the best of them, but I'd rather let them come to me.

Instead of running into the enemy, I draw them towards me. This means I camp in areas where I have the advantage--open spaces with great sight lines. The number of guys I've taken out because they're trying to jump towards me with a shotgun is more than I can count. With the hand cannon, I can outshoot anyone because I aim for the head.

I play it straight. I stay grounded. I hardly use my special abilities. I just outsmart the enemy. I turn the game into chess rather than checkers. It's not about reflexes. It's about tactics. I play on one sensitivity. I can't do 180 snipes, but I can kill you just fine.

That said, I have the heart of a solo gamer. There's something to be said about the predictability of an AI routine. It's comforting. They don't exist in reality, so I don't have to curse them and their loved ones to hell.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Event Log: 9/24/14 - Kicking the Habit

For the first time in eternity, I spent a significant chunk of time not playing Destiny. The game is definitely losing shine. Of course, I say this after having invested 150 plus hours into it but still, the grind has finally got to me. Time to play the game like a filthy casual and move on with my life. NBA 2K15 is just around the corner and that seems poised to take over my life next. After that, the hits just keep coming with The Order, Bloodborne, The Phantom Pain, and Uncharted 4.

I've had some pretty epic sleeps once I've stopped staying up so late. I can tell because my dreams have taken on that quality that makes them almost indistinguishable from real memories if it weren't for the fact that I know for a fact that this stuff never happened in real life. I've been waking up late as a result--like in the afternoon.

The reprieve from the heat was all too brief. It only lasted a couple days. It was nice to go to bed without a fan for once, but it's back with a slight vengeance. It's not quite take-the-shirt-off hot, but it's enough to make me uncomfortable.

I feel a little starved for social contact at the moment and would like to see a movie. I want to see The Equalizer. Despite the less than stellar reviews, it's right up my alley in terms of taste. I never get tired of watching old guys kick ass. You gotta credit Liam Neeson's career reinvention into an action star for kickstarting the trend of over-the-hill veterans committing to genre shifts. The world needs more Taken clones, although The Equalizer is probably more Man on Fire than that.

What's with the new RottenTomatoes redesign? It looks like crap, and I have to scroll down to see the ratings now. Incidentally, I just saw the reviews for Gone Girl. It seems solid so far but it doesn't look like the new Zodiac. Man, I love that movie. It's so amazing.

TGS passed by during my Destiny daze, but I was paying enough attention to catch the FFXV footage. The game is shaping up nicely and there were a number of announcements from Japanese devs that I'm looking forward to. Next (current) gen is finally in full swing. Hell, there's gonna be an avalanche of games in the next couple weeks. It's always a good time to be a gamer.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Event Log: 9/20-9/23 - The Hardcore Dilemma

After playing Destiny for almost two weeks nonstop, I have arrived at what I call, the "hardcore dilemma." I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. What little morsels we get turn out to be the same thing with different seasoning. Destiny isn't an MMO, so I don't expect MMO support. It's obvious that this is Bungie's first shot at this type of game, so I'll forgive them for their oversights. They have a great foundation, but they'll have no excuse the second time around.

Last night, I listened to two super jaded gamers in my party complain about Destiny nonstop, comparing it to MMO's and other full-fledged online communities. It's something that confounds me because once I've done everything there is to be done, you know what I do next? I play another game. I've never let expectations dictate my experience; rather, I let the experience dictate my expectations--which means I never hold great expectations to begin with.

That's the problem with the hardcore--they have a superiority complex. They believe their opinion is the only one that matters despite all market research saying otherwise. Catering to the hardcore is the last thing any developer should do. Always dumb it down. You can't really say the game doesn't have enough content when you put in a hundred plus hours to do everything. Were it any other game, that's amazing. But expectations and hype make people stupid.

The game has plenty of issues that need to be ironed out, but I understand that a game of this scale, particularly on the networking side, presents enormous challenges for a development team. In the future, I'd like to see a steadier progression curve. As it stands, to reach max level requires total luck. Most people, when they hit level 20, crash into a wall. The concept of leveling by gear is sound, but I believe that it should be supplemental to a guaranteed, albeit--longer, method of leveling up.

Leveling up faction rep should be faster. Patrol missions should be more varied. Story missions and Strikes should be initiated from Patrol mode. I'd like to see an overhaul of the voice chat system so that there are more options to talk to people without having to force them into your fireteam. Social interaction options should include the ability to gift items--something like materials, if not, gear. I'd say more but the list goes on and on.

All this playing has made me realize that I'm a solo gamer at heart. There's nothing like kicking back and enjoying a game at my own pace. I get annoyed when I receive invitations. I'm usually doing something on my own. Single-player is my lifeblood.

On to other news, I finally won my first fantasy football match up. I would've been 2-1 if I didn't forget to set my lineup last week. I had an injured player on the field and my replacement scored 20 plus points on the bench. Seriously. Nonsense.

Ever since this game has come out, my online activity has come to a startling halt. I'm still deep in its clutches, but little my little, I'm disentangling myself.



Friday, September 19, 2014

Event Log: 9/15-9/19 - One Track Mind

If I were to sum up my entire week, it would be Destiny, Destiny, and Destiny. I'm trapped in the never-ending grindfest for marginally better loot. I got my Titan up to level 28 and beat the raid with a party of friends. I've almost done everything there is to be done except beat the raid again on hard mode, which has ridiculous penalties for dying. Basically, the team has to be perfect or we have to start all over again. As far as I know, nobody has beaten it on hard yet.

I started up two other characters because why not? It's advantageous to have multiple because daily rewards are distributed once per day--or thrice, if you have two extra characters. My Titan is definitely my main and the other two are just pack mules and work horses for more materials.

I'm thinking I should drop this game cold turkey, full stop, and move on with my life...

If I can.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Event Log: 9/14/14 - JomattoLuck

It's another bad weekend for football. The Saints lose again, which I expected, but it still hurts. Because of Destiny, I forgot to set my lineup for fantasy football and lost my match up too. I had an injured player out in the field. Whatever.

A lot of people are complaining about the looting aspect of Destiny. Maybe it's because I'm already level 26 with four exotic guns in my inventory, but I don't have a single problem with it. I like that rare stuff is legitimately rare.

In case you're wondering how I got these exotics, I got one from PvP, two from Legendary Engrams, one from doing the exotic weapon bounty, and another I bought from the Agent of Nine.

I'm just bragging. Put in the hours and you'll eventually get what you need. It's a luxury of unemployment. If I had bought the standard edition, I would've gotten my money's worth by now, but I got the Guardian Edition which covers me for the next two expansions. As long as I'm not max level or max gear yet, I'm gonna keep playing til my fingers grind to bone.


Event Log: 9/13/14 - DestinyLog

By now, the reviews for Destiny would've come out and it doesn't paint an all too flattering picture--at least by AAA standards. I don't think it matters though. This is one of those games that are "review-proof." While it lacks in many areas (some considered critical), the underlying base is fun and addictive. It's a solid foundation, and thanks to the always connected nature of the game, it can evolve in ways no other game can. 

Once products are out in the wild, that's when Bungie will really learn what works and what doesn't. People wonder what the hell Bungie have been doing for the last four to six years that have resulted in such a "content-lite" game, but I think they've been busy crafting the tools necessary to create and maintain the univesre. Basically, the hard part is done. Now it's all about fine-tuning and tweaking. 


Event Log: 9/12/14 - The Final Push

I took it easier on my PS4 today. I managed to get through my workout despite the deterioration of my body over the past week. I didn't do it as fast as I would like, but I got through it nonetheless. Aside from playing Destiny, I watched a couple episodes of Digimon and read some manga. It feels nice to be doing something different. I've come to understand that I'm a creature of both habit and obsession, but when obsession wins, it does so with overwhelming ferocity. It'll be another week before I'll totally burn out on Destiny.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Event Log: 9/11/14 - Patriot Day

In memory of 9/11.

Now that we got that out of the way, it's all about Destiny. I didn't even run, and it wasn't because of the heat. It's that new game marathon smell. Everybody's in a mad dash to max level. Unfortunately, this isn't something that can be gotten through sheer time investment. It takes a bit of luck to gear up. More playtime can increase your chances, but one lucky drop can bypass hours of grinding. Tis the nature of the beast.

I spent most of the day doing the PvP. I've mostly been playing with guys from across the pond, and by that, I mean the Atlantic Ocean. The accents in my ear, the accents! I don't know how I stumbled into these guys, but we partied it up all day long. Too bad I didn't gain a single level. However, I did stumble upon an exotic bounty that ends in a level 26 Strike that completely owns me. I'm gonna need serious backup for this one.

I played so much today, I didn't even shower. I feel disgusting. I shall remedy this tomorrow.

I didn't even go to that interview. I read about the company and decided that it wasn't for me. I tried to call ahead and cancel but I got the runaround on the line. No base salary, all commission, training fees, and they're wrangling just about anybody to become an agent. Sorry, but I ain't falling for it. Sounds like a massive waste of time. Besides, I've got Destiny to play.


Event Log: 9/10/14 - Falling Off the Face of the Earth

I was woken up by a phone call this morning, cutting my sleep woefully short. It was some lady from some life insurance company that wanted to set up an interview with me because some guy saw my resume on Monster. I thought, "Okay, I guess I'll go tomorrow." I tried to go back to sleep but it was too late. Once I'm up, I'm up. 

I continued off where I left in Destiny and crawled my way (and dragged another) to level 24. That's it. I described my entire day in just that one sentence. I know it isn't very detailed, but it doesn't have to be. The process involved running through a strike playlist and acquiring incrementally better gear. Bungie employed various systems to drip feed the addiction to loot. There are five different currencies, five different things to level up, and five different materials to accumulate to get the best of the best. It is a grind. 

My body was so strained at the end, I cut my workout routine in half. My body couldn't handle it. It's all because of this game, man. This game.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Event Log: 9/9/14 - Recover

An entire night of Destiny meant I needed a nap quick. Although I stopped playing at around 1, I didn't get any kind of sleep until 3. It was a short-lived nap since my mom needed some help in the afternoon. I only got about 2 or 3 hours of sleep. Since I couldn't go back to bed, I played more Destiny and got this bad boy right here:

This sniper rifle is in the highest class of rarity, which means I can only hold one of these at a time. Thanks to this, I can demolish everything with a single head shot. I got it after playing Skirmish mode. The drop came out of nowhere. This thing is straight up killer. I also picked some way better gear and now I'm level 23. 


Event Log: 9/8/14 - A Date With Destiny

I lost my first ever fantasy football game. I'm never playing this again. Just kidding. I'll keep going, but this weekend of football was bad for me. Not only did the Saints lose, but my team also lost. It's a double loss, and I don't like to lose. Since Monday Night Football was a double-header today, my day from 4 to 11 went nowhere. Talk about highly unproductive.

And speaking of unproductive, I went from midnight all the way to 1:00 PM the next playing Destiny. I beat the main campaign and made it to level 20. Keep in mind, the game barely came out. There's a lot I'd like to say but...

That'll cut into Destiny time.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Event Log: 9/7/14 - Let's Get Ready to Football

This is the first season of football where I'm playing fantasy. Games I normally wouldn't care about carry stakes now. I'm invested in the outcomes, in particular, the performances of certain players. I'm tied in my current match at 90-90. It all comes down to Keenan Allen vs Joique Bell, wide receiver vs running back. I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope the Chargers are on fire that night. Throw that ball, Rivers.

The Saints lost, which is soul crushing, but divisional games are always close and it was on the road. It's an acceptable loss and hopefully it'll spark a fire under the Saint's defense. The O-line looked good and our running game was somewhat effective. The secondary was a big letdown and couldn't make big plays down the stretch. Critical mistake with that fumble, Colston. That's almost enough to make me drop you from my fantasy team. I'm thinking about picking up Brandon Cooks as a flex starter. I'll have more flexibility and you'll never know when injury might rear its ugly head.

Since I couldn't sleep last night, I went to early church at 7:30AM. I think my lack of sleep has intensified my tinnitus. It's terrible. Even with music on full blast, I can hear that low pitch hum. It's taking a toll on my sanity. No one deserves this pain, especially when there's seemingly no reason for it.

I thought Sunday was supposed to be a relaxing day, so why am I receiving possible job offers? I'm not complaining, but I'm not in the mood process that serious stuff during the weekend. Give me a break, especially from this heat. I went through half the day shirtless because it was that hot.

I must sleep now.


Event Log: 9/6/14 - Make Up

I took another step forward in maintaining my consistency by adding another entry to my resume site. Since I missed out on Friday, I wanted to punch one in for Saturday. The good thing was that I finished it during the day. The earlier I can complete these, the better.

I'm getting the hang of writing articles based on research. I'm going to ratchet things up by incorporating more elements into my posts such as photos and video. Since the world falls asleep during the weekend, I'd rather avoid having to push things into this time frame.

I had another sleepless night--well, that's only partly true. I conked out earlier than expected at around 11, but I woke up at 3. Since my little brother is a discourteous little bastard who doesn't even bother to turn off the lights in the middle of night like I do, once I woke up, that was it for me. I couldn't go back to sleep after that. The biggest thing holding me back from seeing the full benefits of my workout is lack of sleep. I'm gonna have to go for a reset today and resist the urge to nap. I wanna fall asleep properly tonight.

Thanks to my induction into fantasy football, I've been consuming fantasy-related news like mad. My knowledge of the NFL is increasing rapidly, and since I actually care about other teams now, I can make better judgement calls as the season goes along. For instance, I picked up Josh Gordon on the off chance that his suspension is revoked with a new agreement between the NFL and NFLPA. If that happens, I got a top tier receiver for free!


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Event Log: 9/5/14 - Deepening Bonds

Today, I deepened my longstanding relationship with professional American football by jumping into America's biggest obsession since sports--and that's fantasy sports. It was just a matter of time before I joined in because of my affinity for stats; I didn't run 60+ years of MyGM in NBA 2K14 for nothing.

Besides, a friend of mine was playing, and I couldn't allow his knowledge of the game to eclipse mine. It was a small matter of pride. I want to be on top of things. This was an opportunity to look beyond my favorite team and appreciate these athletes for what they do in every position.

I signed up for an account on ESPN and joined a random public 10-team league. I did a ton of research before the draft, looking up drafting strategies, poring over rankings and expert analysis, and when the clock finally chimed, I think I did decent, all things considered. Here's a look at my team:

My strategy was to get the best running backs off the board, attack the best wide receivers available, and fill in the depth chart. I did this at the cost of an elite quarterback but that was my game plan and I was sticking to it no matter what. On paper, I have the best team in the league, but football is one of the more unpredictable sports. The studs of yesteryear may be the duds of today, and they might encounter serious injuries, and you'll never know who'll have a breakout season. That's just part of the excitement of fantasy sports. I can't wait for Sunday.

For a friend's belated birthday celebration, we ventured out to this packed place appropriately named the Packing House. It's this plantation-looking building with various restaurants and markets inside, the most intriguing of which, was a bar called the Blind Rabbit. Just outside the place was an indie band doing covers in addition to their own stuff, I assume--only because I haven't heard it before. The Blind Rabbit resembled a prohibition-era speakeasy, complete with a shelf of sake barrels as a disguised entrance. 

We went inside and it was cramped. Our corner was quickly crowded with another party of four next to us. Despite our close proximity, there wasn't much crossover in conversation aside from a few recommendations to a place called The Playground and Father's Office, the latter of which, apparently has the best burger ever.  

It was clear the main allure of this place was its sense of exclusivity and the ambiance, although the illusion was somewhat spoiled by the AC unit directly above us and the computer screen across the way. You can't be 100% authentic without losing some conveniences. 

Service was slow, but when I eventually got my pear blossom, it wasn't bad. One of my friends bought an $18 burger that I knew wasn't worth $18, while another friend got duck and mac and cheese. I had some of it. It got cold pretty quick, courtesy of the AC. I didn't talk much until the alcohol was flowing. I was tired from my workout earlier and I hadn't eaten so the effect was quick. I couldn't shut up.

In apology for their slow service, one of the bartenders bought us a round of complimentary whiskey shots. It was a nice gesture. Then I finished off the birthday boy's beer because he wasn't a fan of its earthly taste. Considering the amount of alcohol I imbibed at the cost of one drink, I felt good about that night. The only thing I regret was not eating dinner. My brother once said that alcohol makes you heavy, and since I lost four pounds seemingly overnight (did I piss it all away?), I'm inclined to agree.

I didn't complete my goals for the day, which was to apply to jobs and add another entry to my personal resume site. Since I was too drunk to do otherwise (I drank a protein shake and I couldn't close the cap--until I realized I was twisting it the wrong way), I went to bed early. 

It didn't work. My tinnitus kicked into overdrive and I stayed up until 6 in the morning with a low pitch in my ear the entire night. This thing's a real vibe killer. 


Friday, September 5, 2014

Event Log: 9/4/14 - Nothing Stops This Train

Football is back. The recent spate of Madden videos has reignited my interest in football. I typically don't tune into season openers. I normally get into the groove a few games in the season, but thanks to Madden, I was fully prepared for tonight's game. I predicted that the Seahawks would win despite the Superbowl champions losing in the season opener for the last 8 years. I was right. The Seahawks dismantled the Packer's defense. They're clearly the team to beat this year. Their defense is just too strong.

I skipped out on my run partly because of the game, and because I didn't want to aggravate my shin splits further. I went for a fifteen-minute jog during halftime, just to stay spry. In the past, I've spread out my weight training through the week, but now that I've concentrated everything into Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, my body has to adjust, and like any adjustment period, it's quite difficult and a little painful. Hopefully, after this week, my body will get used to it like it did when I started running again.

My day was dedicated to heaping another 2k words on the next chapter of my side story. I'm four words shy of 5k. I've reached the length that I've wanted but there's still a lot of development left in the scenes. I've got one...two...three major scenes left, each probably requiring at least 500 to 1000 words each. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm working on this when nobody has acknowledged my effort. That's a lie. My effort's been acknowledged, just not in a satisfactory and visible way.

Although I've become more consistent in my content production, I really gotta start working on these much earlier in the day. It's usually hard for me to fall asleep, but I'm feeling a bit drowsy at the moment. This fogs up the mind and I can't work at peak efficiency. If I can slide my schedule a bit, I think I can really start building on my potential. The last three days have been great in terms of acquiring more confidence. It's not an issue of ability, but mental toughness. I gotta stick with it until its embedded in my routine.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Event Log: 9/3/14 - Video Production

I woke up today and decided that I was going to make some videos. I turned on my PS4, renamed all my clips, trimmed them, and put together a couple nice montages. I like to go without music since it would be a shame to cover up the sounds of battle with a horribly inappropriate song.

This first montage is an extension of my EOD Shenanigans video. I take out more unsuspecting fools with one of the least used gadgets in the game--at least in my experience. It takes skill to be this deadly with the little cart of death on four wheels.

This second video is a collection of funny little moments that either make me chuckle or rage. I ended it on a series of BS deaths because they're funnier than the little moments when enemies walk right into my hands. 

I think I've got a case of shin splits since my legs cramped up yesterday. My recent routine change is probably responsible. I might have to take it easy on tomorrow's run and just walk the whole way. Since I'm trying to gain weight, it's not like running is critical to my goals. It's more of a stamina maintenance thing. These rest days between weight training have definitely become more valuable since I increased my workout load.

I put in about 2k words on the next chapter of my side story. Since today has arrived, I'm ready to declare for flop status. I did gain an additional Favorite and Follow, but other than that, not a single review. What kind of community allows a writer to produce 15k words of quality across four chapters with nothing to show for it? A toxic one, that's what. Okay, it's not toxic, but it's depressingly apathetic, which is worse, since toxicity offers acknowledgement at least, even if it's negative. Why do you think trolls troll? It ain't because they're liked, that's for sure.

At least someone in Barbados and Venezuela likes it. I love the global audience. Hollywood agrees with me. Domestic box office receipts are declining. It's all about that China cash. We going overseas, baby!

Although I can't blame the consumer for not buying my product, I could blame myself for getting into the wrong market. It is with supreme confidence that I say, "Y'all don't deserve me." Other fandoms deserve a better class of writer, and if this one doesn't want me, then I'll gladly take my talents elsewhere. This be The Decision 2.0.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Event Log: 9/2/14 - One of Those Days

I had a bad day. I dropped (or flipped) a plateful of chicken because a broom fell in my kitchen. I was apparently so startled by the broom falling down, I wasted several ounces of hot chicken meat that I spent thirty minutes trying to debone. This has been my greatest shame since jumping in front of my friend because a little zergling showed up in StarCraft. With a start like this, my day could only get worse.

Things didn't take a complete nosedive, but the day went by with several inconveniences. For one, during my usual Tuesday walk, my legs cramped like crazy. I was feeling like Lebron in the NBA finals. This hasn't happened before and I wondered if it was related to my increased workout load from yesterday? I was much forced to walk the entire way when I usually intersperse some light jogs in there.

On the way home, I was walking on the sidewalk when this car pulled up beside me and the girl in the passenger side joked out loud, saying, "Get in!" like it was funny. That wouldn't even make a five-year old laugh. Then, after drinking some protein, I tried to pour some water through the cap but instead whiffed and got my shorts wet. When it rains, it pours.

Much of my day was devoted to updating a story on an alt account, and like I expected, absolutely zero response. I'll give it a day before declaring it a total flop, but producing 15k words without so much as a peep confirms that I'm certifiably insane or committed to getting some sort of reaction from a community that wouldn't know quality if it slapped them in the face.

It's very humbling, I admit. I fully understand why newcomers would throw their hands up and give up entirely on the idea. The community is not kind to those without the skills and ideas. Conventional business wisdom states that you never blame the customer for not buying your product. Since I'm not selling anything, I guess what makes me most disappointed is that nobody shares my vision of a good story. I try to offer something different from rehashed romance and adventure plots and receive nothing in return.

My story's probably just garbage. The simplest explanation is often the best one. It's probably because I'm writing a story that nobody wants to read. More accurately, I'm writing a story that nobody knows they want to read until they read it. Yeah, that sounds about right. I have no choice but to finish what I started. I always clean up my plate. I'm just that kind of guy.


Event Log: 9/1/14 - Cooling Period

After launching myself towards drama after drama, my enthusiasm has died down significantly. I find myself in that precarious position where I either finish the series or drop it cold turkey. Before, I couldn't stop clicking on the next episode, but now I'm content to watch YouTube videos instead.

I got sidetracked by Madden. If you check my YouTube history, you'll notice that I like watching black people commentate on games. Ignore the racial connotations and take me at my word when I say that these are well spoken and humorous commentators, but I can't ignore the correlation between their skin color and their choice of games which is primarily composed of sports. The reason I know all three of my usual suspects: QJB, Gento, and Chris Smoove, is because of their NBA 2K14 series.

The flavor of the month is Madden, and I love watching these guys play Career mode. Special bonus points to QJB for playing with my Saints. Since the game released a couple weeks ago, there was a significant archive of videos. I watched them all. It's gotten to a point where I'm contemplating on picking up the game myself, but before I can think of buy any new games, I need to sort out my job situation first.


Monday, September 1, 2014

Event Log: 8/31/14 - Sunday Shenanigans

There's always a guy. You know what I'm talking about. That guy, the guy who always screws up everything because he can't get it together. Constant tardiness is a symptom of a diseased mind. It's forgivable if it's once or twice in a while, but as an MO? That's not a good thing to be known for. It speaks to some sort of mental defect that has somehow eluded diagnosis. For what reason would someone act questionably, shadily, and infrequently in all aspects of life? Is it our fault for enabling? For shrugging off his antics with uncomfortable laughter? Should we not, with the fury of a thousand suns, reprimand him harshly and drill into his head that his behavior is unacceptable on all fronts? There must be consequence lest bad habits continue unabated. I demand an intervention.

Unfortunately, we're too chill to do something like that. From now on, no breaks given. If you can't come, then don't come, and don't whine about it later. Prick.

After watching some City Hunter, I caught last night's Sony's Pre-TGS stream. The sorry state of the Japanese console industry is like watching a loved one in a coma. When practically all the software announced for the PS4 are crossplatform, it shows that the Japanese don't have the technical muscle to create blockbusters on par with the west. The once mighty juggernauts of the industry have been reduced to mere scrappers chasing after mobile money. Gaming has changed. But there was one announcement that redeemed my purchase of the PS4, and it's called Persona 5.

I don't know why people are using crossplatform as an excuse to justify not getting a PS4. I'd like to get the best looking console versions and I get a lot of utility out of the Share function. Perhaps it's redundant if I had a high-powered PC, but since I don't, the PS4 satisfies a lot of my gaming needs. With Destiny, MGSV, Bloodborne, and now Persona 5 coming up, I'm covered for the rest of 2015.


Event Log: 8/30/14 - City Hunter

I've been trucking along in City Hunter. It started off pretty serious but it got light-hearted pretty quick. These types of shows always have me shaking my head because of the contrivance of convenience required to keep things humming along.

One of the things I appreciated about Breaking Bad was its painstaking dedication to detail. It wasn't afraid to show you every step of the process, no matter how tedious or agonizing it was. Of course, this tapered off near the end when the plot demanded a quicker pace, but it was nice to sit back and watch paint slowly peel in all of its dull glory. My story, Love Sick, is proof of my commitment to minute-to-minute narrative. A day in my head would probably take a year to process.

Since I titled this Event Log "City Hunter," I suppose I should say something about it. It's basically a dark knight wannabe trying to expose corruption in South Korea. The guy's too careless for my liking, but I admire his "no killing" rule since he understands the pain of loss. The whole "push away the ones you love to protect them" shtick is so played out though. I just couldn't wait for the subplot to end. That arc is practically a requirement in every derivative of the superhero genre.

City Hunter was brought to my attention via a recommendation because I was looking for "cool" leading men in kdramas. The main character in City Hunter doesn't quite fit my definition of "cool." I have an old school perspective on the word, so when I think of cool, I imagine Sanjuro from Yojimbo, Blondie from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and Jules from Pulp Fiction. Even a maverick like House fits into that category. I suppose "cool" to me is simply an unwavering commitment to buckling convention.

There are many times when I want to scream at the screen because the characters are helplessly strung along by cliche-ridden plots. Why not throw caution into the world and do what you want? This frustration is especially apparent when it comes to watching works of other cultures. Asia is conservative with its family values. Coming from America, where rebelling against your parents is a rite of passage, their familial live-or-die conundrums seem excessively trivial.

I think that's why Hollywood has such appeal. When you've grown up your entire life bowing your head to everybody, it's refreshing to flip people off and blow stuff up just because that's the American way.
