Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Too Much Stuff

A big reason why I'm staying up so late is because I'm consuming way too much content these days. If it's not manga, then I'm watching YouTube videos. I'm subscribed to several guys and I really like their stuff. New videos are coming out everyday and hours are lost to the nether thanks to these guys. 

The first guy I'm subscribed to is ChrisSmoove. I watch mainly for his NBA 2K videos and Madden. I enjoy his Madden videos more than his 2K ones. His latest Let's Play is Far Cry Primal and that's been interesting, especially since he's been condensing them and removing the filler. Somehow, I get the feeling that Primal isn't going to be a very long series. His Let's Plays have been dying premature deaths lately. I can understand since his bread and butter is sports games.

The second guy I'm subscribed to OneCheesyMofo, or "Nacho." He's my go-to for Battlefield videos. He does Call of Duty, Hardline, and some other shooters from time to time. I've been feasting like a madman in Battlefield 4 recently. I credit my success to watching his videos. It's not like I'm watching for tactics, but I might've unconsciously picked up a few strategies that could explain my recent beast performances. 

My latest subscription is to ChristopherOdd, who I watch for XCOM. I enjoy his narrative game playthroughs as well, such as Firewatch and Gone Home. He's got that Canadian geniality which is very charming. He is amazing at XCOM. I'm a save scummer so seeing him play a tactical RPG with Ironman enabled is pretty tense. One mistake and you're screwed. His latest campaign in XCOM 2 has been a lot of fun to watch. 

These bastards are the reason why I'm not falling asleep until five in the morning. I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing. Either way, I hope they keep up the good work. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Rolling in the Deep

I've got too much money. 

Okay, one can never have too much money, but a bevy on developments have left me with a huge surplus and I have no idea what to do with it. Since I'm constantly working all day long, I haven't really had a chance to redo my budget. 

Since I'm working as an independent contractor, I get paid weekly. On top of my tax return, the Lunar New Year got me a decent amount of change. I've got a whole lot of cash to earmark for future use now. I've pretty much covered any lingering debt from my Black Friday spree so this is all gravy. I guess I can put it all on my trip to Japan or just keep it close to the vest. 

Knowing me, I'm just gonna sit on it. Nothin' wrong with that.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Waking Late

The theme of this week is waking late. Sleep is a luxury. I've been deprived of it for so long that my body lusts for it. I need my sleep and now that nothing is getting in my way, I'm overindulging. I can't say this is a bad thing since I'm bad at sleeping. Anything to restore my body to something that resembles the average adult's biorhythm is good in my book.

Of course, nothing comes without a price. I'm getting more sleep at the expense of free time. I feel like all I do these days is work. I'm working from the moment I wake up all the way to midnight. A lot of this has to do with the generous breaks I take at home, and another part of it is simply not waking early enough.

It'll take some time, but I'm sure I can get back on schedule. Once I catch up with my work, I plan on waking up earlier by 30 minutes each day. I'll eventually rewind my wake up time somewhere in the ballpark of ten in the morning. That's fine by me.

I started working out again this week since my body is finally up for it, but I've still got a lingering cough that will probably stick with me for the rest of the month. The same thing happened the last time I got sick.

If I had actually gotten any prescribed medication, this is where I take it until it's gone, but since I went with over the counter cough syrup, I'm just gonna ride it out with cough drops. I'm probably gonna be sucking on a whole lot of them while I'm watching Deadpool by myself.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Sick and the Street Fighter V

I've been laid out like a mother this entire week. I wasn't doing myself any favors by playing the SFV beta, but when time is limited, you gotta squeeze all the play you can get.

Predictably, I started off as a total scrub. Throughout the weekend, I managed to land myself somewhere in the top 10k. That's probably my ceiling in terms of skill. To get any higher would require too much investment.

I stopped playing SF4 because I hit a wall. I was getting way too pissed off. This time, I'm changing my frame of mind. I'm gonna be casual. I'm here to enjoy the fight. It's not all about winning. I'll try to improve wherever I can, but becoming pro is not my goal.

SFV is launching in less than two weeks. This has certainly been one hell of an appetizer. I can't wait for the full release.