Friday, October 9, 2015


My lunchtime naps are becoming increasingly more bizarre. My sleep deprivation is getting to me. I'm not napping anymore, I'm full on dreaming. It's not a deep nap either. The mere act of closing my eyes sends me spiraling into an alternate dimension featuring cameos of people from the past, TV shows, and anime. 

When I snap out of it, I do a double take at the time because it feels like a whole day has gone by in a minute. My imagination has never been so vivid. If I don't do something about this, I'll be dreaming with my eyes wide open. Probably not the safest thing in the world, especially if I'm driving or something.

While I usually dream about my latest obsessions (video games, J-dramas, anime, etc.), my last dream was about work, and since I was napping at work, it was not at all a pleasant experience waking up to the realization that I'm stuck there for another five hours. 

I've always wanted to make my dreams come true, but not like this.