Thursday, March 3, 2016

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Wednesday's usually aren't this exciting, but it appears that we've arrived at a turning point in our household. My older brother has officially abandoned home. He's moving out of state to who knows where. He's not telling anyone.

Preparations for this abrupt departure had begun months ago. He was planning to give us the slip while no one was paying attention. It would've worked except that I work from home and he took too long to pack his things. Instead of slinking off into the night, I had to see my mother in tears trying to convince him to stay. It didn't work.

He got fed up with my brother in law. Even I was getting tired of watching him get hassled repeatedly for rent money. While he has personal responsibility issues, that's no reason to exacerbate his already deep malaise. No amount of lecturing can snap someone out of their apathy.

My brother in law comes from the old school of hard knocks. Sadly, that kind of approach is outdated. Tough love is just another word for abuse. You don't tell someone who is depressed to cheer up. A modicum of sympathy is necessary to arrive at a mutual understanding. 

My brother concluded that there was nothing for him here. He found no peace or calm in this house and that his only recourse was to leave. The decision is quite impressive in some respects. Aside from my parents, he had always lived at home.

This is the first time he's demonstrated a shred of independence. It's finally time to break free, spread your wings, and soar! If there's anything to take from his departure, it's the courage to move forward on my own. Brother, wherever you are, I hope the world treats you a whole lot better than our house did. 

Godspeed, brother. Godspeed.