Saturday, November 19, 2011


I would like to preface this post with the declaration that L&L's Hawaiian Barbeque sucks. It was probably because of a bad menu order, but first impressions stick. Screw informed opinions, a first bad experience is one too many. It will be the last time I ever go there for lunch.

For my first real day on the job, I got the chance to explore my charge's home. Houses can tell you a lot about the person who lives there. This was how I figured out that my charge, Noah, is an Axis child -- German father and Japanese mother. No wonder he looked slightly Asian.

Speaking of Asian, I visited a game shop in the area aptly named "Game Shop." The place was a total dive, a real rinky-dink operation if I've ever seen one. Such places could often be a treasure trove for used games, and lo and behold, I found a copy of Onimusha 2. I brought it to the front, but the Thai storekeeper was unable to find the disc. As he turned around to looked through a box of CDs, I was victim to the view of his asscrack.

Seriously, pull your damn pants up.

It wasn't too great of a day, I could've done without the bad food, missing games, and unwanted imagery.