Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Event Log: 2/24/14 - First Step

I'm really glad I allowed myself such leeway. Planning requires a fair amount of self-awareness and knowledge of our limits. If I hadn't allowed myself a flex day, I would be woefully behind. I noticed I have a nasty tendency to run from my tasks. It's like overcompensation in the opposite direction. I try to avoid the job so hard, I drown myself in something pointless. I don't why I do this, but it's overwhelming and something I need to destroy. If I can habituate myself towards the opposite, it would be a big boon for my development. I knew things wouldn't go smoothly, so being able to identify issues like these early on will be crucial in tweaking my schedule.

I'll have to add a new wrinkle to my system. I need a pre-planning phase for my tasks. I noticed that without an outline in place, I get stuck very easily during writing. For projects such as my Let's Play, of which I made plenty of notes through my playthough, I was able to easily write out each part of the journey. It's a lot harder to come up with something from scratch. It's not like I don't think about these things before writing them; I have to learn how to record this conceptual phase. Part of the reason it's so easy to write these Event Logs is because it's based on my day. The material is already there.

My friend called me up for some three-way Borderlands 2 action, which delayed some of my tasks. Actually, I think it pretty much ended my roll that day. It was hard to recover from that blow. I ended up spending the whole night immersing myself in manga.

Psycho Mob 100 is proof that a good story will shine no matter how shitty the art.
