A person is like a cosmic object barreling through space. The older we get, the harder it is to change directions. If we collide with an insurmountable obstacle, then and only then will we be forced to change course. This analogy is just a fancy way of saying that people are stubborn to a fault. Change rarely comes from within. It takes a foreign object, an outside force, to push us into new directions.
At the halfway point of this year, I reviewed my New Year's resolution and so far, I'm failing harder than LeBron's body in Game 1 of the 2014 NBA Finals. In only one respect, am I satisfied with my progress, and that's this--Event Logs. I resolved myself, "one piece at a time," and these Event Logs exemplify that philosophy to a T.
Each day of 2014 (except for the first few ones) have been cataloged in my pristine voice. All of a sudden, my most neglected online space became my most active. It's not all roses though. Event Logs are produced at the expense of my Tumblr. Still, I feel like I'm in a better position than I was before, because I've laid the groundwork for the future.
Another successful addition to my routine is running. I added an outdoor endeavor to my exercise regimen and I've stuck to it religiously. It proves that I can incorporate good habits. Now, the challenge is, can I correct my bad ones?
My fatal kryptonite is procrastination. It is the bane of my existence, and I wonder how many opportunities were lost because of it. I keep telling myself not to start anything new until I've finished my old tasks, but I've long since realized that "completing everything" will always lie on the edge of tomorrow. In other words, I will never run out of things to complete before starting something new because I'm always starting something new. Instead of concentrating on the things that matter, I've been extending my never-ending date of return to reality. If I persist on this course, I see only a cataclysmic collision at the end.
To avoid the worst case scenario, I must train my mind, reshape it, pound it into submission, and rework my entire attitude towards everything. It will be a most painful experience, and the only way I can achieve this, is through measures of forced desperation, artificial stress, and accountability the likes of which rival actual metal shackles on my wrists.
So why now? It's because I want to watch Edge of Tomorrow. It's been very hard to watch movies with my friend ever since he got a job. He works all the damn time, and even though I've watched movies alone before, I wanted to see if I could wrangle someone to watch it with me before resigning to loner status. So I reached out to long dormant contacts on my phone, and with sudden contact, come the routine pleasantries asking what I've been up to, which has been, of course, nothing.
Though their texts were simple, it was enough to nudge my trajectory slightly. And so I decided. It's time to slay this weakness of mine once and for all.