Monday, March 6, 2017


Every so often I find myself in a hole. And I have to dig myself out every single time. And I keep doing it. I tell myself I won't be here again -- surprise, surprise -- I'm here again. I wouldn't be so annoyed if I wasn't so predictable, and I'm pretty sure I said the same exact thing the last time this happened. Well, the only thing I can do now is...

Keep digging.

I think it's partly justifiable this time though. I did stuff I normally wouldn't like watching movies with my co-workers. I saw Get Out, which was solid in terms of suspense, comedy, and social commentary, but I lack the perspective to truly appreciate the horror aspects.

Because of the trailer for The Belkin Experiment, I watched a film called Circle. It's an interesting take on the death game genre and I was inspired with several ideas on how to subvert the usual tropes. Then I watched 10 Rillington Place, a true crime dramatization about an English serial killer along with the miscarriage of justice that accompanied his case.

The film didn't receive much love back in the day but its stature has grown with time thanks to its journalistic commitment to the mundane everyday life that frames such shocking acts. I tend to enjoy these dry portrayals because what's most shocking is never the act itself, but how such acts can go unnoticed for so long. The thought of such horror happening underneath our noses is truly the most horrifying thought of all.