Friday, March 3, 2017

The Things You Can't Avoid

Ever since I started working from home, I knew that a reckoning would soon come knocking on my door and it was called tax day. With a standard deduction, I would owe in excess of $4000. I was shocked but also prepared to pay the piper until my brother came for a visit on the same day and told me about his tax guy.

Flash forward to yesterday and I went from owing over $4000 to around $1300. Yes, please, thank you, sir, I will be taking my leave now before anyone notices. With an extra $3000 in my pocket, that means I'm going on vacation because why the hell not? That was money I was more than willing to part with and now that I don't have to it's time to go crazy!

No, not really. I'm very conservative but I will take this moment to enjoy the finer things in life. It pays not to have an itchy trigger finger. Before you jump off that cliff -- and you're gonna have to because there's a stampede behind you -- check to see if you can get lower first. Because a couple feet could spell the difference between a hard fall and broken ankles.

It'll hurt, but at least one of those options you can walk off.