Saturday, March 25, 2017

Three Days

Three days does not sound like a long time, but when you're working from behind, it's actually the longest time. I've been stuck in a perpetual loop for this entire month. I've been trying to make up for three days ever since March started. It's only now that I can finally see the end in sight.

The problem is that it's not just three days -- that chunk of time represents a recurring pattern of slack that has taken hold, dropping my pace to near zero. Never had I felt more stuck in the mud. I have consistently broken my consistency and that's the true failure to be observed in this mess.

To make new habits one must break old ones first. I wonder how many epiphanies it'll take before one finally sticks. Instead of resisting the cycle, perhaps I should lean into it instead. After all, if I predictably veer off course, it'll be easier to get back on track. Life never goes in a straight line. I should expect a detour or two. That way, I won't suddenly find myself waist deep in the muck.