Monday, June 13, 2011

Day One

I once read that the average time it takes to go from "done with school" to "I got a job" is about 6 months. I can't help but think, "Will it really take me half a year just to find a job?" I'm in unfamiliar territory without a map, compass, or any half-way decent tool for basic navigation. For the first time in my life, I'm lost.

Every thing good that has happened to me has come about thanks to my unique ability to attract good fortune. I'm just a victim of circumstance--albeit, good circumstance. Still, it's not exactly a winning recipe for surefire success. I highly doubt that a lucrative job offer will be knocking on my doorstep just because I wait for it. Instead, some lucky bastard out there is waiting for me to start knocking on his door.

It's Day One and the first thing I have to get used to is doing something during downtime. I suppose its finally time to start getting into a routine. Therefore, I promise that from this day on, I will:

1. Post a blog entry every day
2. Get through my entire gaming backlog
3. Finish all my creative side projects
4. Start jogging, and then from that, start working out in general
5. Put together "The Plan"
6. Finally, find a job
7. ????
8. Profit!