Monday, January 13, 2014

Mornings: 1/13/14

Another late night with a less than stellar awakening. I noticed that the later I go to sleep, the deeper my slumber is, and when I wake up, I'm pretty much coming back to life. If I go to sleep earlier, however, it is very turbulent and shallow. I probably wake up two or three times and it feels like I'm lying on a bed as time flies by. If there was some way to combine the two together, an early sleep with a deep slumber, then I'll be set for life.

It probably doesn't help when the balcony door to my room screeches with the wind doing its best trying to break in. For some reason, my brother-in-law removed the door bolts because he was going to replace them, but that was fucking months ago, and ever since, when the days become windy, the doors bend inwards like that one scene from The Haunting. The doors make this terrible scratching noise and it just pisses me off that he would leave it like that. In the meantime, what does he do? Building a fucking shed in the backyard. Fix my doors first, you shitty landlord.