I got carried away with my workout. I woke up feeling tired and I made it my mission to make sure I'd go to sleep tired too. I tried out a couple new exercises and worked some muscles that were fine with not being worked out before. Sorry, but when it's your turn, you gotta step it up.
Everything I've read points to the same conclusion: it's not what you do that matters so much as what you eat. The more I look into diet and nutrition, the more I want to bail out. Do people really think this deeply about their food? Of course they do. All things considered, what we eat is probably the biggest contributor to how we feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. It just goes to show that effort is required to get anything done, whether it's to look your best or make money.
I wonder if I'm still suffering from residual exhaustion from my trip to Vegas. I did stay up last night to play some BF4 with my friend, but that shouldn't account for this sheer fatigue. I worked on a little story inspired by Vegas. I want to capture the essence of friendship between guys. I don't feel like it's being done justice--at least in writing. Since the bulk of my readership is female, I think it's fun to give them a taste of the other side.
I still got a long way to go.