Sunday, July 24, 2016

Breezy Walks

Today was a reprieve from the heat. I daresay it was great weather. The sun was blazing red from behind a cloudy haze. I'm not sure if it was natural cloud cover or smog. The first part of the trail was peaceful with wildlife out in full force. It was like walking in a Disney forest with critters and birds cheering me on.

Where was everybody? And as soon as I thought that, people showed up. I love me a long lonely desolate stretch of no people. I usually take it easier on Saturday by walking instead of running. This lets me appreciate my speed. I don't realize how fast I run until I'm walking. It takes forever to get anywhere this way.

The weather truly was a far cry from the last time I ran. Before, the tiniest sliver of sunlight barely peeking over the horizon was enough to get me sweating. Today's haze did a remarkable job of dulling the heat, even if it was slightly humid. It was so breezy, I decided the run the last half of the route. That felt nice!