Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pokemon a Go Go, Baby

Pokemon Go is a bona fide phenomenon. It always seemed obvious that the instant Pokemon goes mobile, it'd explode. It'll be interesting to see how it evolves from here but they sure got their work cut out for them, even if they're raking in millions by the minute.

My interest isn't piqued since I don't have the hardware for it (no data and old phone) and since the mainline entries can barely retain my attention, I don't think a stripped down mobile friendly version will be any more engaging. That said, I can see its immense impact by just walking outside.

There's a trail that I've been running ever since I got back from Japan and I've never seen it as packed as it was today. The ratio of people walking with their eyes glued to their phones shot up exponentially and there is no other reason than Pokemon Go. I think this is a good thing. The more reasons to be active the better.

I just hope its not some temporary trend that peters out in a couple months. Nintendo are pretty good at this kind of thing, and considering the return on investment they're getting, I'm sure they have their best minds on it. Maybe once I upgrade my hardware I'll get in on the craze. It's never too late to try to catch 'em all.