Monday, July 4, 2016


K-dramas are too long and J-dramas are a bit short. J-dramas seem to have a little give at the end but I can't be mad at being left wanting more. Means they did a good job. On the other hand, K-dramas go on and on forever.

Having just finished Single Dad in Love with an ending that is equal parts ballsy and bullshit, I am left with a profound sense of disappointment and a sneaking suspicion that I have wasted this entire 4th of July weekend on low tier filler.

Whelp, no use crying over spilled milk. Them's just the breaks. All I know is that I should be damn weary about starting any new shows from now on. The sunk cost fallacy ends up costing far more than if I just quit cold turkey, but with my strong duty of seeing things through to the end, the winning move is to not play.