Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Event Log: 5/12/14 - Flash In the Fire

What a forgettable day. What the heck happened? I remember playing games and... Well, that's pretty much it. The heat has certainly been kicked up a notch. The vast majority of my time was devoted to straight up melting in my seat. I went through several episodes of Back to the Future and it's been entertaining. It's a great continuation of the movie's storyline.

I caught up on a couple videos by Dasuberpoop. He's a YouTuber that plays BF4. I'm surprised he hasn't upgraded to next-gen, but his commentary gets me rolling. I can sympathize with the myriad ways one can encounter a "bullshit death" in the game. Reminds me of that movie, A Million Ways to Die in the West. Seth, if you want ideas for a sequel, play some BF.

There was a brief moment when I was knee deep in multitasking. I was watching Hannibal, Dasuberpoop's videos, and playing BttF at the same time. I was somehow able to navigate through all of it.

Then I fell asleep, lulled to lala land by LP's of XCOM. Yes, I'm still watching them, but I think more for sleeping material than entertainment.
