Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Event Log: 5/19/14 - Beginning of Pain

First thing I wanted to do was get rid of my three games: Okami (PS2), Deadly Premonition, and Persona 4 Arena. Sadly, value on Deadly Premonition dropped and I lost five bucks because of it. Not a big deal. Just let me come in and transact this, pronto.

Unfortunately, by the time I arrived, the servers that handled trade ins "went down." Guess I'll just wait for a while. Nope. Ended up waiting until tomorrow which will be titled, the Middling of Pain. Target servers run by monkeys confirmed. It's embarrassing for a big name retailer like Target to fail like this. Ugh, just thinking about it gets my blood boiling, but I'll hold back on the indignant hyperbole. Just barely though.

I'll put on my tinfoil hat and speculate that the servers were intentionally crippled because they were getting mad ripped off by trade ins. They'll put them back up when every game is worth jack squat. The bastards.

At least I was able to link up with my friend Z and we hung out at his place talking about manga, video games, and whatever. Really the first bit of socializing in a long time aside from watching Godzilla with R.

Speaking of movies, I can't wait for Days of Future Past. 93% on RottenTomatoes, that's damn good, although I'm typically weary of movies in the high 90's. They're usually what I call, "overrated." Then again, RT is an aggregate, not an average, so I'm probably looking at those percentages the wrong way.

If anything productive came out today's wasted trip to Target, I was able to write up sections for the next chapter of Love Sick. The next one might be coming out sooner than you'd expect.
