Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Event Log: 5/20/14 - The Middle of Pain

Come on, Target! You're telling me the servers are down again? That's bullshit and you know it. You can't call me and wake me up and make me to drive over only to hear that the servers went down again. Damn amateurs. Y'all should be embarrassed.

Even though I only lost thirty minutes, I felt like I wasted the whole day. I had to walk off my frustration. I'm not the type to scream when I'm angry. I keep it inside until I'm so outraged, I do something dumb like kick a wall and stub my toe. Never good when anger leads to actual injury. Most of the time, I manage to calm down before I become real stupid. I'm the simmering type though. Dark clouds hang over my head for hours. But once tomorrow comes around, I'm all sunshine and smiles. Gotta have amnesia, like Drew Brees.

I haven't read manga in a while, so I basically did just that. I continued some I've started and checked out a few new ones. I caught up on As the Gods Will. I have great fascination for bizarre death game premises. It reignited the inspiration for my Battle Royale KH crossover idea--not that I'll be writing it anytime soon.
