Friday, May 16, 2014

Event Log: 5/15/14 - Gojira

I've become an overly sentimental movie watcher lately. Anything the mildest bit inspiring or sad makes me water at the corners of my corneas. Even movies that aren't good can have moments that provoke moisture. What can I say? I want to be immersed, inspired, and involved.

This proclivity for tears in no way shape or form interferes with my overall assessment of a movie, but it does demonstrate that I enjoy them on a far more fundamental base level. It's not about how well constructed the plot is or how interesting the characters are or how thought provoking the themes. It's simply a matter of "Is this fun to watch?"

In the end, isn't that the only thing that matters?

Of course not. I admit I enjoy trash more than others do but I am not without limits. It just means I don't look at everything inside and outside of a vacuum. Context is important and allows us to understand why some things are included and why others are omitted. It's all about perspective.

I've learned to attribute my inability to enjoy certain works as a function of me and not as some inherent quality of a work itself. If more people thought like that, opinions wouldn't have to draw so much ire, especially one that goes against the grain.

Therefore, I give Godzilla seven big-ass radioactive lizards out of ten.
