It's impossible to divide my hours equally across seven games. Each one is designed to accommodate varying levels of investment. Stealth Inc. has levels that can be beat in less than a minute whereas Tomb Raider doesn't have a clean concept of "levels." A session can last anywhere from twenty minutes to two hours. But the biggest obstacle is that there simply aren't enough hours in a day.
I started off with Stealth Inc., then Thomas Was Alone, then Lone Survivor, then Binary Domain, then Crash Bandicoot, and then Infamous 2. I unknowingly put these games in competition with each other. It's only natural that the most fun will command the lion's share of my time, and that was Infamous 2. Crash Bandicoot gave I2 a run for its money only because the jacked up save system forced me into shenanigans.
I wasted an hour just trying to save in Crash Bandicoot. There are only two ways to save that I'm aware. The first is completing a bonus stage. This requires collecting three icons to unlock the bonus stage and then the completion of said bonus stage for the opportunity to save. Basically, the only place you can save is in the middle of a level. Yeah, I know, what the hell? Even worse, once you complete it, that's it. You can never revisit a bonus stage to save again. The other method is to collect a white gem and the only way to get those is to by perfecting a stage. That means breaking every crate without dying once.
The worst part about it? Every time I load up a game, my lives reset to three no matter how many I had before. And if I load up a save made during a bonus stage, I have to replay the level. This means I have to play several levels at once to make any kind of progress--and some levels don't even have bonus stages. I can't wait to leave this nonsense behind me.
Infamous 2 left Tomb Raider no chance. There's something about the way the game is paced that makes it hard to put it down. The same was true of the first one. Sucker Punch got me by the balls. I can't wait for Second Son.
The soundtrack in Thomas Was Alone is absolutely stellar. I'm sure everybody online gushes about it but it really does add to the experience. It's almost...transcendental.
Am I the only that gets pissed off by the messages in Stealth Inc?