Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Event Log: 4/29/14 - The Screech That Awakens

I awoke with a start. A grating, groaning noise burst in my ears. It was an unwelcome sound since I hardly slept. The winds were mighty strong and assailed my balcony doors relentlessly, forcing them inward by sheer pressure, and the frame buckled audibly in harsh screeches. I got up, picked up my folding chair, and shoved it under the doorknob to prevent it from budging. Problem solved. Time to sleep the rest of my morning away. But little did I know...that it was only a precursor to the nightmare tomorrow.

But that's for another time. Today was hot and windy--a terrible combination. I waited until it was late before I went on my customary walk. There's something liberating about running in the wind. It's probably the closest I can get to flying aside from hang gliding. Since it was late, there weren't many people around either. I was alone with the setting sun in a whirlwind, lost in my music. Moments don't get much better than this.

The rest of the day I switched between watching and playing XCOM. I'm picking up valuable tactics from ChristopherOdd even though my attempts to apply the same strategy often fail. Most of my missions I end up getting killed and redo everything knowing exactly where the enemies are. It's totally cheating but hey, if it's fun, it's valid.
