It has come to my attention that Naruto is over. The ending was whatever. I wish more works would adopt the Return of the King strategy of having an arc dedicated to life after climax. You have 699 chapters dedicated to blood, action, sweat, tears, and death, but only one for peace. Life don't work that way, and neither should fiction.
I'm just a greedy content consumer. My appetite is insatiable. Give me more!
I got into Naruto in high school. I feel like a chapter of my life has concluded. It's nice to close loose threads from childhood. The best thing about an ending is starting something new. Adventure lies beyond every tomorrow. Onward to better and brighter things!
I caught up on all my other manga. I don't know what it is about One Piece, but I love it. It makes me tear up every time.
It's been a great holiday. Much needed after starting work. Getting back to the grind is gonna be tough.