Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cut Me Down

Why do you build me up buttercup, baby, just to cut me down?

Nothing makes me come down to earth quicker than criticism. It forces me to exercise apropos.

1. Use "like" for nouns. Use "as" for verbs.

2. Check your word placement, and make sure that the subject is known.

3. Don't use ridiculous or insane to mean "a lot."

4. Write appropriate to the situation (formal in formal, cheeky in cheeky).

5. Cut down redundancies. If the paragraph works without it, delete it.

6. Don't make vague assumptions or statements, make everything clear (especially in regards to "it" and "they").

7. Use ACTIVE verbs.

8. Use the correct prepositions.

9. Idiomatic empty expressions should be omitted, and if used, apply appropriate context to qualify and imbue it with meaning.