Thursday, July 28, 2011


I believe that every individual has the capability to be a hard worker. Laziness is not physiological, it's just a mental affliction. If we all had our own personal therapists, laziness wouldn't exist (although I might be giving therapists too much credit). It's an issue of willpower and whether we have enough of it to overcome our cultural need to do nothing.

Laziness can't be inherent. If we are to believe Darwin, laziness would get you killed. Laziness is a byproduct of modern technology, a once luxury now turned into everyday commodity.

If anything good has come out of laziness, it's the idea of working smarter--not harder.

People have a limited amount of energy each day that they could direct towards thinking or doing. I wouldn't call it an efficient use of resources if you make a guy do a single repetitive task for an entire day. If one engineer thought about it hard enough and built a machine to do the task for him, bravo. He's too lazy to do it himself, but smart enough to build a machine to do it for him. That's efficiency.

That's all I'm really talking about. Doing more with less. Let's not get ourselves bloated with filler and nonsense just because we could afford to. Not all problems can be solved with hard work. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do, is to actually think about it.