Yakuza 3 is essentially a modern-day action-RPG set in Japan. It contains elements of open-world design and classic beat'em ups. The world is set in the fictional district of Kamurocho, a thriving section of town filled with night clubs, restaurants, and games. You can walk around the city, go into shops, play minigames, but most importantly of all, encounter random thugs who wish to have their asses kicked, courtesy of you. While it may paint a rather dangerous portrait of Japan, it's a lot of fun to encounter foolish thugs as you stroll around the city. It's the equivalent of a "random encounter." When this happens, the game shifts into "battle mode," with bystanders running and forming a spectator circle.
Initially, the game's battle system will feel a little stiff, especially if you're used to fighters. Once you start leveling up your techniques, things start to loosen up and the fights flow a lot better. There are two types of attack, light and heavy. Combos are done with a combination of the two buttons. You can guard, run, and weave out of attacks. As you progress, you'll gain more techniques such as counter moves and parries. The trademark of the series is the "Heat" action. There's a blue bar underneath your health that builds up as you accrue combo hits without taking damage. After filling it up, you can do "Heat" actions, special context-sensitive moves that inflict massive damage. These Heat actions add a lot of spice to the battle and punctuates Kazuma's brutality against unsuspecting fools. Actions include curb stomps, pile drivers, face slams, and other awesome finishers.
The game is separated into chapters, each one containing a story-specific mission and set of sidequests. Sidequests are triggered by being at the right place at the right time. You usually have to play a minigame, conduct a fetchquest, or beat up some thugs. The story missions usually take place outside the main map, where you run through the level and fight a boss.
Like any proper open-world game, there are lots of minigames. You can go into gambling parlors and play mahjong and dice games. In the underground Casino, you can also play classic card games like black jack. There's a battle arena, bowling, the driving range, the batting cage, and even fishing. There's a lot to do in between bashing heads.
Yakuza 3 is a great blend between action and adventuring. It's one of the best exclusives for the PS3. If you feel like taking a trip to Japan but can't afford it, take a romp through Yakuza 3. It's the next best thing.