Thursday, July 21, 2011


You know what I tried today? I decided to do my usual blogging routine -- but with one crucial difference -- I did it outside. There's this conception that artistic types are more withdrawn, as if we all needed personal space, an appropriate and quiet environment to let our creative juices flow.

As a writer, I've read articles about how to solve such niggling issues as a writer's block or finding the right time of day to let loose our creativity. I think it's mostly nonsense but there is some merit to a change of scenery. As of this moment, I am writing in my notebook at Hart Park (this is obviously transcribed then), surrounded by wind, green grass, and warm sunshine. Maybe it's the place or the fact that I jogged out here, but it feels like my brain's loose. It's a lot easier to write down what I'm thinking.

Typing has spoiled me. I forgot how physically tasking it is to simply write with a pencil. Much more time-consuming as well, but it feels better for putting down raw ideas.

The reason I decided t ago outside was to avoid the stereotype of a holed up writer. I wouldn't want to emerge from my cave with pale skin and sunken eyes. Who says you can't be creative outside?

New addition to my routine.