Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm Human

Never knock something until you try it. I never figured myself to be a dancer, but it's not like I've ever put myself in the situation where I could. So color me completely unsurprised when I found out I couldn't, even when sufficiently intoxicated.

Am I human, or am I dancer?

I guess I'm human.

Okay, I lied a little bit. I could dance, but only under extreme circumstances. I have to be really drunk to do it.

Dancing just ain't in me.

Now the reason I bring up dancing is because I was in a club/bar not too long ago. My friend invited me out for a drink with two other buddies. What followed that night was something pretty funny. My friend is also of my ilk, human in every way. Even after having downed 4 or 5 drinks, he still could not muster the strength to dance, not even when one of his buddies hooked him up with two other girls who sandwiched him. His awkward expressions and breathless pleas for help could do nothing to soothe my laughing soul.

I left to get a few more drinks and when I returned, our two buddies were pissed. My friend squandered his chances.

What else can you do when a guy cockblocks himself?

Once you try something and decide for yourself that it ain't worth it, cross it off your list. There's no point in satisfying the whims of friends who promise good times. If it really is fun, then it should be instantaneous. If you have to account for various factors like location, time of day, and crowd, then it's not really worth it since the stars have to align every time.

Knowledge certainly speeds up the alignment process but now you're just getting to the point of too much work and not enough fun.

I think I'll give the dancing thing another shot. When the stars do align, perhaps the dancing beast will unleash. Won't that be quite a sight?