Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day One

Money has sort of killed my gaming habits. Funny thing to say, but let me explain for a moment. Back in the good 'ol days when I didn't have a job or financial aid, I had to save up money just to buy games. When the cash wasn't flowing, I had to pick my games carefully, because I was going to be playing it for a long time. I really enjoyed the heck out of my games back then because I had to, it's not like I could keep acquiring titles at an unsustainable rate.

But I don't really play games like that anymore. My current backlog is 18-long. Maybe it's because I have too many games that I can't decide which one to play first and in what order. I guess getting older does things to your mind, makes what you used to like not so great anymore. I'm not abandoning games, not by a long shot, but it's getting much harder for me to get into them.

I used to buy games Day One. It's always nice being the first kid on the block with the latest toy. Nowadays, not so much. Games I eagerly anticipate I play months after they released, even if it's in my possession for the entire time. Given how fast prices drop, I'm paying a $20 premium just to play before other people. With my time limited as it is, there's no reason to invest so much money when I'm not even taking advantage of the early benefits.

Few games force me to Day One, but when they do, it's usually special. Then again, it goes for anything really. It's not just games, it could be movies, TV shows, or just a special person. When you Day One, you make it count.