Saturday, July 23, 2011


I typically queue up my blog posts one day in advance. When I miss it, boy do I miss it. I've been batting 100% so far and haven't missed a single day. Will I start missing out on my daily routine? As evidenced by this post, no, I won't. However, it's hard to come up with material on the spot. Can you imagine trying to come up with something to write about every day? It's funny how at one point, there's not enough time to talk about everything you want, and then the next point, you got absolutely nothing.

The thing about a routine is that the more you do it, the more automatic it becomes. Practice doesn't make perfect, but it makes things a helluva lot easier. It also helps that I've let go of my obsession with substantive posts. I used to think that if you're going to post something, it had to be meaty with a lot of substance. I'm past that. Today's reading demands quick-to-the-point concision. It's better to throw a haymaker than a ton of jabs.