Saturday, July 2, 2011


So one day, I went out with Tiger Woods. We ate donuts in a parking lot in the name of art. Suddenly, I drove through some glass and narrowly avoided a plane crash. I ran away from UAV choppers only to find myself in Die Hard the movie.

This was just one instance where I was able to write down what happened in my dream. I don't remember any of it, at all, and I'm usually pretty good at remembering my dreams.

Nothing is as fleeting as our dreams except for maybe our thoughts. It's surprising just how easy it is for us to lose a thought. For a guy like me who pumps out thought after thought, it is quite disconcerting. Can you imagine what's lost in all these thoughts? Innovations, stories, ideas, tools, and revolutions could be lost in one fleeting moment. I bet that if you gathered every last thought, all of life's questions could be answered there.

I have to constantly fight against this loss. I've had to rewrite my stories countless times because I've lost the plot. I suppose that's why we created something called "writing." It's definitely not a natural impulse to record everything that we think. It's an exhausting endeavor with no real point other than to hold on to our brains. But in a world where people often lose their heads, maybe holding on to our brains isn't such a bad thing.

So it's really important to train yourself. Get used to writing down what you're thinking. File it away for future reference, because you'll never know when a stray thought will put you in the right path.