Friday, July 18, 2014

Event Log: 7/14/14 - Preparation

Before I get started on a task, I always, without fail, distract myself. It's a twisted ritual I go through no matter how important the task. I must have ADD or something. I'm supposed to be preparing for my interview on Wednesday. Instead, I purposely distract myself by taking an interest in things that didn't interest me before. Procrastination is the worst.

I caught up in Naruto and Nisekoi. In between reading manga, I tried to do as much research as I could about the company I was interviewing for. I was able to get some interesting information, but I was too distracted to make much sense out of it.

YouTube ended up distracting me. I finished Chris Smoove's Sniper Elite 3 series. His next video after that series was UFC. I decided to check out another YouTuber, Gento, and found out that he did UFC too. I basically stayed up the entire night watching him complete career mode. I have a new-found appreciation for the UFC now.
