Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Event Log: 7/27/14 - Au Revoir

All good things must come to an end. The Destiny beta is officially over. I put in about 46 hours. For something I downloaded for free, that's some quality playtime. It's a foregone conclusion that I'm buying the full release. I haven't bought anything from Activision in years, but I'm gonna have to shell out for Destiny. The game is just that good. Not only that, but I'm gonna spring for the Digital Guardian Edition, which costs almost $100. I paid a bit more for BF4 and Premium and I almost got 200 hours out of it, so I'm not worried about the dollar to hour ratio. If I get a job in time, it's all moot anyways.

Fortunately, I was able to squeeze in some last minute gameplay before the servers went kaput. I was in the middle of a three-kill streak. Not a bad way to go, especially after shotgunning someone in the face. Good times. I almost burned myself out on the beta, so this break is definitely welcomed. Hopefully, I'll be able to cross out a few games in my backlog before September 9th.

With Destiny out of the picture, I hit up my friend for some Dragon's Teeth gnashing action. It was weird. Aside from the first game, we won everything. All the matches were really close though. I would call them uncomfortable wins. I mean, yeah, we got the "W," but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. They weren't satisfying. I was more stressed than anything. I was also playing out of character, trying to do things I normally wouldn't like sniping or using the shotgun. Sometimes, you gotta fall back on old reliable. I did criminally average. By the end, I unlocked the bulldog assault rifle that I keep getting killed by. Not today, but soon enough, I'll be able to see what this bad boy is capable of.

I watched a past broadcast of Ninja's stream to wean myself off. There are still traces of Destiny flowing through my veins. Gotta get purged.
