Sunday, July 27, 2014

Event Log: 7/25/14 - The Deadliest Zones

The Dead Zone marathon.

I damn near completed the entire second season today. It takes a lot to disrupt my activity cycles. For a moment there, I thought I was gonna dive back into my manga kick, but no. The Dead Zone won out above all. I like the show, but it's probably because I like the premise more than the actual content.

You know when you watch something and the idea is amazing but the execution is just a few steps shy of greatness? It's like The Walking Dead. The raw material is there, but rarely does everything come together the way you want it to. Even if it falls short of true greatness, it's still a worthy watch. It's just too bad the series ended on an inconclusive note. I hate ate cliffhanger series finales. I suppose I'll just use the movie as a substitute ending. That was where things were trending anyways.

I have, if nothing else, a grand imagination. So even if things are left unresolved, my mind will take care of the rest.
